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Company seeking 2025 graduating engineers from U.S. universities in multiple disciplines
Thompson has raised more than $10 billion across private, public markets.
Company seeking to modernize nuclear construction using digital technologies.
Two key hires bring more than 65 years of experience in large-scale nuclear projects.
Jhansi Kandasamy joins from Idaho National Laboratory to focus on public-private partnerships.
Leaders bring nearly 100 years of experience in large-scale energy projects.
Stephen Kuczynski led the construction of Vogtle units 3 and 4, the first two U.S. nuclear reactors built in 30+ years.
Joe Klecha’s experience includes $35+ billion in large-scale nuclear projects built by more than 11,000 people.
The company’s unique approach will help America meet surging energy demand with clean reliable power.
Energy demand is rising as baseload power is going offline.
China is estimated to reach 200 gigawatts, double that of the United States’ current nuclear capacity, within 15 years.